Notts Bedroom Tax Campaign meeting, 15 October – minutes


The Notts Bedroom Tax Campaign held a public meeting on Tuesday 15th October to share experiences of fighting the bedroom tax and call on local councils to adopt no evictions policies. This was attended by about 30 people from a wide range of local campaigns from across Nottinghamshire. Mark Giblin gave an update from the Defend Council Tax Benefits Campaign; Councillor Greg Marshall explained how Broxtowe Borough Council had implemented a no evictions policy; and Becky Kent outlined her experience of helping her mother fight the bedroom tax. Following a wide ranging discussion the meeting agreed the following key actions:
1. Continue to campaign for councils to adopt no evictions policies following the lead of Broxtowe.
2. Seek volunteers to sign up to a “rapid response unit” to respond when people face imminent threat of eviction.
3. Seek volunteers to update and maintain the Notts Bedroom Tax Campaign website to enable this to become a hub of information to those within Notts wishing to fight the bedroom tax. This will include links to and information about autonomous bedroom tax groups, local campaigns and activities as well as help and support regarding appealing bedroom tax decisions and DHP applications.
4. Promote relevant events in Notts including the 5th November events being organised by the People’s Assembly in Nottingham and Save our Services in Mansfield.
5. Seek to join together existing petitions calling for no evictions for presentation to local councils where appropriate.
6. To arrange further meetings as required in order to help with the organisation of campaigning activity; next meeting: Tuesday 12th November.

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